Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bad People Do Good Things 2

We're coming up on that time of year again. Walking through the stores you're bound to come across a fair amount of orange & black. Time to start thinking about your costume and which bags of candy you'll go with this year. Hopefully you'll find yourself with many things to do this season and I have one that's a must.

Saturday, October 22nd the Alton Undead will be hosting their second annual blood drive at the Jacoby Art Center, "Bad People Do Good Things." If this year proves to be anything like last year it's sure to be the most awesome blood drive you've ever been to. How on earth can a blood drive be awesome you might ask? Well, first of all, you'll get some real food. The Red Cross still brings their arsenal of crackers & cookies but the Alton Undead makes sure to have more than just that on hand. Last year there was more than enough brought in from sponsors Jimmy Johns and Papa Johns. Second, for donating you'll get a shirt that you actually want to wear out. Third, they'll have entertainment. While waiting to donate, or if you just want to hang out after you can catch a free concert right in the same room. And finally, there will be zombies! How can you beat that?

The drive runs from 1:00 until 6:00 pm. Unless you want to hang out it shouldn't take much of your day so even if you have something else going on that day odds are if you're in the area you can stop by for a bit & help a good cause. This is the link for the Facebook event. If you have a Facebook account and know you'll be going please click the attending button. This is the first time the Red Cross in the area will look to social networking to gauge their numbers to find out how much staff and supplies they'll bring. This may be due to the fact that last year we had more people show up to donate than were able to. Go Alton Undead!

(All these photos are from last year's blood drive.)