Sunday, June 29, 2014

Playing at the Park

While setting up the portrait session with these guys we discussed locations that would be meaningful to them, like I usually like to recommend. Your pictures will mean a lot more when it looks like something you'd be doing anyway. This park is right next to their house and they're fortunate enough to have other family member living right by within walking distance as well so we all did a bit of that walking around.

Haskell Park is a lovely space already. Wide spread areas with grass and trees, gorgeous homes all around, and playground equipment shaped like dinosaurs! They also have a local landmark. The Haskell Playhouse. This beautiful playhouse was built for Lucy Haskell on her 5th birthday back in 1885, who lived on this property back then. Usually when you visit the park the playhouse is locked and you can just enjoy the outside but I came to discover that the girl's great grandma is involved in the preservation of the playhouse and she would be able to open it up for us. They asked if I would like to take some of the girl's pictures there? I grew up in the area and therefore have at one point looked at the playhouse with my own set of little girl eyes and knew how great it would be.

 Mom said they loved to play with the tea set in there and sure enough that's what they went to first. Vera, the oldest, wasn't especially interested in having her picture made. She did not want to look at the camera. But she did want to play and we get along pretty well so I think it all worked out. I got some great shots of the girls being themselves.

The pictures were also for Sophie's 1st birthday. She was a bit less camera shy than her sister.


After playing at the park for a little bit we walked up to grandma's house to jump on her trampoline.

The only problem with getting to jump on the trampoline is that you have to get off eventually. After adventuring around the neighborhood the girls were getting tired and it was time for the wagon ride back home. After a cookie or two from grandma of course.

If you want any more info about the Haskell Playhouse you can find it at